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Bitsy is the tiniest goat we have!  


Age: 1 year

Breeding: Freshener - First time mom this year!


Temperment: She is pretty laid back and independent.  She loves to wander around by herself instead of following the herd.  She is very sweet but she loves to eat hair so you've got to be careful she doen't give you a crazy goat haircut!

Adopt Bitsy

  • Adopt-A-Goat is a 12-month program that provides the recipient with the following:

    ♥ Welcome card with photo and bio of your sponsored goat.
    ♥ Observe or Assist in one of our quarterly Health Check ups and Hoof Trimming
    ♥ Monthly Visits with your goat

    ♥ Be the first to know when momma has her babies!
    ♥ Quarterly and in-the-moment email updates on your sponsored goat and happenings at the farm (kidding season, breeding season, walks through the pasture, etc.)

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